Period 3
By: Bekah Anderson, Isabel Gallegos, Brittany Estrada, Cami Butler

Thursday, 23 October 2014

We are surveying whether Hillcrest High School students prefer quantity or quality when eating out. We are taking a random cluster sample of 4 classes at Hillcrest, and blocking by gender. The students being surveyed will write on apiece of paper whether they prefer quantity or quality. They will also sign the back of the paper agreeing to sign the waiver. The pieces of paper will then be placed in a plastic bag to be mixed up. The question the students of Hillcrest will be asked is, "When eating out do you prefer quantity or quality?"

We have minimized the major source of bias by blocking in gender, due to the fact that men and women may have different opinions on whether they prefer quantity or quality, we have accounted for this by sampling men and women separate. We are performing a randomized cluster sample so that we are not bias towards one class than another.

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